Sonlight Christian Enrichment Classes Sonlight Christian Enrichment Classes Sonlight Christian Enrichment Classes Sonlight Christian Enrichment Classes Sonlight Christian Enrichment Classes Sonlight Christian Enrichment Classes
Please submit an application in case an opening occurs

How to join Sonlight:
1. Fill out an application
2. Register for a tour
3. Sign up for a Prospective New Family Meeting
4. Sign up for interview
5. Receive welcome email
You are not a member until confirmation with welcome email but must attend all steps (tour not required) to be considered for membership.

Welcome to Sonlight's website!

We do not sell, use, promote or advertise any particular method or curriculum.

The purpose of SCEC is to provide enrichment classes for Christian home schooling families in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in order to supplement their own schools. Such classes are parent taught and one parent must be present at the facility at all times that their children are attending classes. You will find everything from Gym Games and Art classes to History, Science, and more.  Some classes may also include out-of-class assignments, field trips, and end-of-semester programs.

Sonlight endeavors to be inclusive as much as we are capable with the teachers and resources available to us. If you have a student that has special circumstances, this needs to be disclosed on the Sonlight Application and discussed with administration prior to registering for classes.

Sonlight cannot guarantee that we can accommodate your special circumstance or that our classes will be a good fit for your student. This will be discussed with administration prior to registering for classes. 

For additional information about Sonlight or to find out about our enrollment process, please click on the FAQ's tab found above and also at the very top of this page.  You may also click the Leadership tab found at the top of this page to send a message to Sonlight leadership.  A coordinator will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. Click on the Application Information section above in order to begin the process of being placed on our waiting list.  

For a tour of the facility and to answer any questions about Sonlight, please click the "Sonlight Interest Tour" below and choose the best date/time that works for your family.

How the application Process works for Sonlight Christian Enrichment Classes.

1. A family application must be submitted online. This can be done anytime.

2. Register for a tour during the Spring semester. Click the clock picture on the website to register.

3. Attend a mandatory informational meeting.  Click the "I'm New Here" picture below and choose the best date for your family.

4. After a parent/family attends one of the informational meetings, they will have an opportunity to sign up for a personal interview. 

5. All applications received before January 2025 will receive a phone call if there are positions. All other applications after January, will be considered for Fall 2025 semester.

*Membership is based on completed application, current class size availability, current parent positions available and personal interview.

Interest Tour

Sonlight Interest Tour

Please choose a tour date and time for Spring 2025.

New Family Meeting


Park day
March 7 - Friday
11:00 AM
Sonlight Interest Tour
March 12 - Wednesday
01:00 PM
Sonlight Interest Tour
March 26 - Wednesday
01:00 PM